Iron Man (Tony Stark) is a superhero from Marvel Comics. He was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck and Jack Kirby in Tales of Suspense
Iron Man was originally an anti-communist hero. Throughout the character’s comic book series, technological advancement and national defense have been constant themes, but later issues developed Stark into a much more complex and vulnerable character as they depicted his battle with alcoholism and other personal difficulties.
Iron Man Movies
Iron Man
An Iron Man film was scheduled to be released in 2007 (though originally November 2005, but reverted to 2006 then to 2007 due to several undisclosed reasons), with Nick Cassavetes directing. The movie was to be made by New Line Cinema. There were rumors that the role of Tony Stark aka Iron Man could have been played by Ryan Phillippe, Nicolas Cage, Tom Cruise, or Leonardo DiCaprio. However, after numerous failed attempts to get the project going, the rights reverted back to Marvel. The movie will most likely be made by Marvel themselves and distributed by Paramount Studios like other upcoming Marvel movies such as Captain America and Nick Fury.
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