Cartoons Comics & Toons

Gunsmith Cats

Gunsmith Cats is a series of manga and anime work by Kenichi Sonoda. The story centers around two young women, 19-year old Irene "Rally" Vincent and her partner, 18-year old "Minnie" May Hopkins.
Rally and May operate the Gunsmith Cats gunshop in Chicago, Illinois. Rally also works as a bounty hunter, assisted by May, which is the impetus behind many of the stories. Rally characterizes bounty hunting as her "hobby" though it is in fact her main source of income.
Rally is an expert combat shooter and marksman with just about every firearm in existence, as well as a expert driver. May is an explosives expert, knowing the inner workings of and many uses of all manner of explosive devices.
In 2004, the author created an extension to the original nine volume series entitled Gunsmith Cats BURST. Like the original, this manga centers around the exploits of Rally and May and is serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon magazine.

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